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Iriodin Coating

Iriodin is a brand of special effect pigments, also known as pearlescent or interference pigments, used in various industries, including printing. These pigments are made from natural mica flakes coated with thin layers of metal oxides, which create a unique optical effect called “interference.” The interference effect is a result of light interference and reflection on the surface of the pigment, causing it to display different colors when viewed from different angles.
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When applied, they can create a range of colors and visual effects that change depending on the viewing angle and lighting conditions.In printing, Iriodin coating finishes are used to add a captivating shimmering or iridescent effect to printed materials : Packaging Labels Magazines Brochures Promotional items Get the best finishing for your print project with personalized iriodin finish! It’s important to remind you that Iriodin is a specific brand name for coating. The process of incorporating Iriodin coatings in printing typically involves: Ink formulation: Iriodin pigments are mixed with printing inks or varnishes to create the desired color and effect. Printing: The Iriodin ink or varnish is applied to the printing substrate using various printing methods, such as offset, flexography, gravure, or screen printing. Drying or curing: The printed material is allowed to dry or undergo a curing process to ensure the Iriodin coating adheres properly to the surface. No project is too big for San Marco Printing Press ! If you want Iriodin finish for your print or packaging project, don’t hesitate to contact us! Our design team will assist you with your trade printing project every step of the way. Get a quote online and obtain free shipping everywhere in Dubai!
High quality printing
Low startup quantity (minimum 500)
Available on 100% recycled paper
Available with Glossy and matt finish
Available in custom sizes
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