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Hard Cover Bindery

Are you an author, publisher or entrepreneur looking to showcase your products/services or your masterpiece work? At San Marco Printing Press, we excel in offering premium hard cover bindery services to give your books the elegance and durability it deserves. This binding technique is ideal for a range of products, such as manuals, novels, academic books, high-end luxury catalogues, cookbooks, or reference books.
Professional Hardcover Binding for Your Most Treasured Works!
In this technique, the inner pages are sewn together, and binded into a strong cover. The spine portion of the hard cover book contains the title of the book, name of the author and the logo. If you’re looking for a binding option where your book has to endure frequent handling and stay as is for a long time, then hard cover bindery is ideal for you.
Different sizes to choose from
Different prints and paper types
Different orientations to choose from
Available in different finishes
Can be made from recycled paper
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